Friday, May 06, 2005

The Pacifier

After my wife and I went to Hitchhiker's Guide... we went out to eat and then went back to the theater for another film. Our first "double feature" if you will. Our second choice was The Pacifier. We've both wanted to see this one ever since we saw the trailer for it. Brief summary is that Vin Diesel (xXx, Knockaround Guys) is a Navy SEALS Spec-Ops officer and ends up being in charge of watching over a gov't scientist's children when their mother has to go to Switzerland to retrieve the contents of a safe deposit box.

Visuals: Only a 3 here. Very basic stuff. Not really any dramatic cinematography or special effects. Just your average movie going experience as far as visuals go.

Sound: Sound is worth 3 as well. Nothing really sticks out in the sound department. Some of the dialogue is very cheesy, but that's to be expeceted with this type of movie considering the target audience.

Story: Well, I'd say this is worth 3.5. I take into consideration that I am older than the target audience here. I try to imagine that I were a kid here, and the rating would go up to a 4.5. If I had children, I can foresee them REALLY enjoying this one. It's along the lines of Kindergarten Cop and Mr. Nanny, but better. And yes, I've seen both of those as well.

Entertainment Value: Overall, a 3.5 for this film. Again, if you have children, definitely go to this movie or rent it when it comes out. Your children will really enjoy this one, I'm sure of it. It's not too painful to watch it as an adult either. See it at the cheapseats if you can. I recommend it.


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